============================================================================== Experimental Debian and APT distribution for the IGTF Trust Anchors ============================================================================== Welcome to the experimental Debian/APT distibution area of the IGTF trust anchors. Although care has been taken to ensure that this distribution is installable and complete, no guarantees are given, but you are invited to report your issues through your local CA or info@eugridpma.org. You may have to wait for a subsequent release of the Trust Anchor release to solve your issue, or may be asked to use a temporary repository. Using the distribution ---------------------- 1. Install the EUGridPMA PGP key for apt: wget -q -O - \ https://dist.eugridpma.info/distribution/igtf/current/GPG-KEY-EUGridPMA-RPM-3 \ | apt-key add - 2. Add the following line to your sources.list file for APT: #### IGTF Trust Anchor Distribution #### deb http://dist.eugridpma.info/distribution/igtf/current igtf accredited 3. Populate the cache and install the meta-package apt-get update followed by install one or more of the Profiles you want to accept apt-get install ca-policy-igtf-classic apt-get install ca-policy-igtf-mics apt-get install ca-policy-igtf-slcs apt-get install ca-policy-igtf-iota